बुधवार, 8 अक्टूबर 2008

Attack on Journalists_5yrs rigorous imprisonment

Dear Member,
Its really great to tell you that Maharashtra Govt has decided to amend the law related to Attack on Journos.
State Cabinet has given the approval for the ammendment on Oct. 8th, 2008.
5yrs rigorous imprisonment is suggested in the amendment
TVJA thanks 2 Hon.CM shri. Vilasrao Deshmukh & Hon. DCM Shri RR Patil.
We proudly say that its a result of continuous efforts by our President Mr. Ravindra Ambekar.
Mr Ambekar is a member on State Govt.'s Experts Committee for prevention of attacks on Journalists as a representative of TVJA.


Prasad Kathe
Gen. Secretary
98204 23349

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