शनिवार, 18 अक्टूबर 2008

Play Cricket with Corporates

Corporate 20 - 20 Cricket Mania

Welcomes you to

Cricket is by far the world's premier sport. With the cricket IPL mania everyone wants to

be a part of the battle. However it is not possible that everyone gets a chance to indulge oneself in

playing sports. The working class especially in corporate have a significant work force of

talented, ambitious and sporty cricketers. But unfavourable working hours, strict deadlines

ensures these youngsters lose out on their sporting ambitions. Mega sports provides an ideal

opportunity to "Get Sporty" with the 20-20 cricket mania cricket tournament. Shorter duration

is the key of 20-20 tournament which does not exist in test or one day cricket.

A 20-20 cricket tournament for the Corporate world which will have top organisation

from Mumbai competing on a different platform. (Ad Agencies, Channels & Market Research)

Fest. 2008


The tournament will not only be a fun-filled event with a festive atmosphere, it will also

give an opportunity for the participants to network with the other industries, exchange

notes with colleagues and enjoy a day off with a fast paced game of 20-20 cricket.

The participation fees for the tournament is Rs. 12,750/-

So why wait ? come and join us !!!!

For further details please feel free to contact:

1. Rohan Gupte - 9820341349 - rohangupte@megasportsindia.com

2. Prakash Patil - 9867862394 - prakashpatil@megasportsindia.com

301, Sai Smruti, Lokmanya Tilak Vasahat, Swami Narayan Lane, Dadar, Mumbai - 14. Tel.: 02232588659




P.S.:- All the matches will be played on Saturday and Sunday only.

Ground, umpires, scorers and balls will be provided by the organisers.

T-shirts and Caps should be used while playing the tournament & should be repeated

for every match.

The organisers will not be responsible in case of any loss of property or any accident

during the tournament.

The organisors reserve the right to cancel, postpone or change the order of the event

without giving any reasons for the same.

In matter of rules not covered in the tournament rules, the decision of the tournament

committee shall be final and binding on all concern.

Corporate 20 - 20 Cricket Mania Fest 2008


ØThe rules for the tournament will be the normal rules for cricket with certain amendments

in the rules as per requirement of the tournament are given below.

ØThe team should reach the venue 30 minutes before scheduled time.

ØAll the matches are limited to 20 over per innings.

ØThe team will consist of eleven players and four substitutes.

ØBoth teams will need to play minimum 5 overs to get the result.

ØA bowler can bowl maximum of 4 overs.

ØNo ball and wide ball rule as applicable in one day matches.

ØFootwear compulsory / studs will be permitted.

ØSubstitution with umpires permission.

ØOnly bonafide players of the company are allowed to play the tournament.

ØThe matches after league rounds will be played on knock out basis.

ØThe umpires decisions on all matters will be final during the match and will be binding on all

the teams.

ØWinner will get 3 points.

ØLoser 1 point.

ØTie 1 point each.

ØWalkover is not allowed for any reasons.

Ø Each group will consist of four teams.

ØToppers of each group qualifies for the ‘Challenger Cup’.

ØIn case in a group, two or more teams have equal points, qualification will be based on the

net run rate. In case of a tie in the qualifying rounds the team losing lesser number of wickets

shall be the winners . If it is the same, the result will be decided by the spin of coin in the presence

of umpires.

Grouping and Qualification:

ØThe game will be played in 20 overs per inning style.

ØThe tournament will be played on 1 st November onwards.

ØThe venue for the tournament will be at Matunga / Shivaji Park .

ØEach team will get to play at least 3 matches in the league stage.

ØCorporates can register any number of teams.

ØAttractive trophies for the winners & runners up.

ØSpecial Awards for the man of the series, best batsman & best bowler.

ØAll participating teams will be given a trophy as a token of remembrance.

ØApparels (T-shirts & Caps).

ØNews paper coverage.

ØSnacks & Refreshments.

ØThe winners & runners up will get a cash prize of Rs. 20,000/- & 10,000/- Resp.

Contact -

Manoj Chandelia (IBN 7) - 9820925603

Anand Shrivastav - (ANI) - 9867062509

Khushal Thakur - (UTVi) - 9819770951

बुधवार, 8 अक्टूबर 2008

Attack on Journalists_5yrs rigorous imprisonment

Dear Member,
Its really great to tell you that Maharashtra Govt has decided to amend the law related to Attack on Journos.
State Cabinet has given the approval for the ammendment on Oct. 8th, 2008.
5yrs rigorous imprisonment is suggested in the amendment
TVJA thanks 2 Hon.CM shri. Vilasrao Deshmukh & Hon. DCM Shri RR Patil.
We proudly say that its a result of continuous efforts by our President Mr. Ravindra Ambekar.
Mr Ambekar is a member on State Govt.'s Experts Committee for prevention of attacks on Journalists as a representative of TVJA.


Prasad Kathe
Gen. Secretary
98204 23349

शनिवार, 4 अक्टूबर 2008

Are you becoming colour blind?

क्या आप कलर ब्लाईन्ड हो रहें हैं?
या फिर शायद कुछ दिनों के बाद आप देख नहीं सकेंगे?
प्रिय सदस्य,
टीवी जर्नलिस्ट असोसिएशन के द्वारा हाल ही मे आयोजित आई कैम्प मे डरानेवाले नतीजे सामने आए हैं... और खास कर कैमरामैन के लिए तो बात तो और ज्यादा परेशान करनेवाली है.
गौर करिए की कैम्प की जांच में पता चला है की टीवी जर्नलिस्ट और कैमरामैन बडी तेजी से अपने आंखों की रौशनी गवां रहें हैं. कैम्प में शरीक ९० फीसद लोगोंको पता ही नहीं था की उन्हे चश्मा लग चुका है. यहीं नहीं तो ज्यादातर कैमरामेन के लिए चिंता का विषय यह है की उनमें कलर ब्लाईन्ड्नेस की शुरूआत हो चुकी है.
बडे दुख के साथ यह बताना पड रहा है की हमारे एक सदस्य पूरी तरह कलर ब्लाईन्ड साबित हो चुके हैं.
व्यू फाईन्डर में बेहद करीब से देखते हुए काम करना और एल सी डी स्क्रीन का बढता इस्तेमाल कैमरामैन के लिए खतर्नाक साबित हो रहा है. लेकिन डरिए मत इस संकट का समाधान भी हमारे पास मौजूद हैं.
बस आप से गुजारिश है की आप समय पर अपनी आंखों की सेहत की जांच कर लें.
टी वी जे ए आप की सहुलियत के लिए हर महीने में दो बार आई कैम्प का आयोजन करेगा, बस आप को उसमें शरीक होना हैं.
याद रहें यह आई कैम्प चश्मे का नंबर निकालने के लिए नहीं हैं बल्की आप की आंखों की सेहत बेहतर रखने के लिए है.
क्यों की आंखें है अनमोल


प्रसाद काथे
टी वी जे ए
९८२०४ २३३४९